We were discharged this morning at 10:30 am. We are finally back at home again! Adam is recovering well from his surgery. We are still waiting for a big poopy diaper but he’s passed a lot of gas already, which is a good sign that his bowels are moving ?
The nutritionist came by last night and was concerned that Adam is not gaining adequate weight. He’s a cancer patient who vomits when he’s not feeling well and neutropenic, but he eats well when his counts are up again. So what’s the solution to get a baby on chemo treatment to gain weight? I’m not sure. First, they are recommending that we fortify his breastmilk with a small amount of formula. If anyone has any good suggestions for formula supplementation let me know. They’ve sent us home with Enfamil infant formula. We’ll see how this goes. He seems to be a really picky eater so my guess is that he’ll notice the change in taste of his breastmilk and refuse to drink, but let’s hope I’m wrong.
For now, we are enjoying just being back at home for a couple days before going back to the hospital for our next visit. We thought the surgery was going to set him back from his crawling for a few weeks but he’s right back at it already! We are over the moon.
Today, Adam is enjoying spending some quality time with Dada on his birthday. (Dad’s birthday, that is ☺) And the best birthday gift was being discharged from the hospital!
Thank you to everyone who has been praying for Adam’s surgery and recovery. Because of your prayers, Adam has been doing so well. If you can, please also say a prayer for our friends, the Hammersleys, who we recently met at the hospital a few weeks ago. Their daughter Hazel, (age 7) had been battling neuroblastoma for 5 years and lost her battle with cancer yesterday morning. Even though we don’t know them well, this hits so close to home. As part of the neuroblastoma family, we are heart broken, and our heart goes out to them. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers. ?
I’m glad Adam is recovering home. Melissa didn’t gain weight but didn’t lose either. She was a good eater and homeopathy really cut the side effects of chemo for her and he had lots of energy and never nausea or throwing up.
May the Lord guide you during this time and supply you richly.
🙂 🙂 🙂 love that happy face and great birthday present
Dear Lord – thank You for Adam’s wonderful recovery – for letting him be
home for his Daddy’s Birthday and Easter Sunday – and thank You for
comforting the Hammersleys as little Hazel dances now with
You in Paradise.
We thank You also for the light of Christ Mark and Hannah shine to those
around them.
Happy Bday Hugs Mark…and little Adam…plz eat-eat-eat!!
Love always, N +J
Oh, so so happy to see the energy in your beauteous faces and to hear continuing good news.
Happy Happy Birthday for you all and for dear Mark.
Love you,
Just a verse I enjoyed this week:
Eph. 2:15-16 Abolishing in His flesh the law of the commandments in ordinances, that He might create the two in Himself into one new man, so making peace, and might reconcile both in one Body to God through the cross, having slain the enmity by it.
I really enjoyed this phrase: “…in one Body to God through the cross…” This the process we are going through everyday: through the cross, to be in one Body by being connected with saints, in order to be brought to God and brought INTO God. This process repeats many times throughout the days, weeks, months, and years, so we can eventually gain His essence, element, and person, which is the One New Man, which is God.
So good to hear the good news! May the Lord continue to bring you closer to Him and the Body through this process!
Aw ? ?!! I am so happy to see that Adam ?? ? ? is Home ? for Easter Sunday ? ? ? ???? and for a few days before going back to the hospital ?! I will definitely continue to pray ?? for all of you! And I will also pray ?? for the family ❤️ that lost their daughter to neuroblastoma after 5 years. This is not an easy journey to navigate. But I truly hope that all the love ❤️ and prayers ?? continue to give all of you the strength ? to get through this!
Adam looks as handsome as ever and we are happy for his discharge to home, but this news of young Hazel is hard to hear. Praying for this family to be abundantly supplied in the midst of this great loss. The Lord is so sweet to connect you to these other families with NB.
Oh Lord, comfort the Hammersleys!
Hallelujah, my heart is so full with this positive update!!! Thank You, Dear Lord Jesus!!! Enjoy being at home, sweet little Adam. ?